Twin Creeks is named for the two creeks that converge into one in the middle of the layout.

Twin Creeks features beautifully sculpted and contoured fairways and raised greens.

Aside from the side mounding, the fairways are fairly flat. The greens are large, smooth and in great condition.

The design is basically open, but there are a couple of two-stroke hazards to stay away from: a pond lies in front of the fifth green and a reeded marsh lies behind the ninth green.

After you enjoy your round you can relax in the comfortable clubhouse.


Twin Creek

  • 9 trous
Prix moyens
Fin de semaine



Twin Creek Golf Club

N Hwy 9
Pender, Nebraska, 68047, United States
☎ +1 (402) 385-2376


Directions from Lincoln:

From I-80, take Hwy 77 north about 83 miles to Hwy 51. Turn left and go 5 miles to Hwy 16. Turn right and go north 10.35 miles to Hwy 9. Turn right and continue north 4.25 miles (through Pender) on Hwy 9 to the entrance on your right.

Directions from Omaha:

From I-680, take Hwy 6 about 8 miles to Hwy 275. Turn right and go north and west about 20 miles to Hwy 77 (go around Fremont). Continue north 36 miles on Hwy 77 to Hwy 51, continue as described above.

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